Building beyond together Root Cycle short architecture film trailer
by Nikola Tosic, 29 November 2016

This is a trailer for Geoplast short online architecture film titled Building beyond together Root Cycle.
The film explores the relationship between architecture and environment.
Our goal is to inspire architects to design projects that protect the environment.
About Building beyond together
In 2015 we changed our slogan to Building beyond together.
Our new slogan inspires us and hopefully others to improve how construction and architecture affect us and the environment.
We also started an initiative under the same name – Building beyond together – that will produce projects that educate and inspire.
These projects can be cultural, sport, engineering, and construction projects.
Each project will in cooperation with an inspiring organization or individual.
About Root cycle
Our first Building beyond together project was an art installation by an American artist Cristopher Cichocki in Palladian Villa Angarano.
The film will be released on our Youtube channel and soon.