Green Building Council

Geoplast S.p.A. is a leading company in the design and implementation of products for sustainable construction, formworks, green, water management, sport and environment.
It is an ordinary member of Green Building Council Italy.
The Green Building Council Italy is an organisation of industry leaders, professional partnerships, public administrations, universities, associations, institutions and other organisations based on the enhancement of the integration of scientific and technical skills.
Through the development and adaptation of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to the Italian situation, GBC's goal is the transformation of business towards sustainable construction, thus making green buildings – buildings with low environmental impact – increasingly rooted and accepted in society.
More and more design departments, engineers, architects, facility managers, interior designers, landscape architects, planners, construction companies, financial institutions and public administrations all over the world use LEED to contribute to environmental sustainability through innovative and excellent interventions and products. LEED is a fundamental reference for all companies wishing to work in the global market.
This is why Geoplast S.p.A. decided to share GBC's philosophy and goals, together with other Italian companies of excellence.
All GBC members are active leaders who commit to work – in its own industry – to develop excellent products and sustainable buildings and to offer a comprehensive range of services to meet any requirements of the construction industry, coherently with the sustainability policies.
Moreover, they favor the continuous growth of construction skills, improving the performance criteria of LEED Italy and promoting green buildings through their advantages, both tangible and invisible, including environmental, economic and social benefits during their whole life cycle.
With the choice to join the International Green Building Council community, Geoplast S.p.A. proved once more its commitment and attention to the issues of sustainable construction and environmental respect. These are strong values which drive the company management in designing and developping innovative products to build efficiently while increasing human well-being.

A Geoplast environmentally friendly building begins from the foundations: MODULO, GEOBLOCK, MULTIMODULO, MINIMODULO and ELEVETOR allow the realization of ventilated monolithic foundations to eliminate rising damp and Radon gas, which naturally tend to rise from the ground and concentrate especially on the lower floors of the buildings.
These two elements are both harmful, and the second can be even deadly if inhaled for long periods. A monolithic foundations guarantees structural strength eliminating the problem of cracks. DEFENDER completely insulates the foundation walls to create a dry and healthy environment.
All walls and columns in concrete can be built with GEOTUB, GEOTUB PANEL and GEOPANEL systems, while slab are realized using GEOSKY (for advanced dismantling), SKYRAIL (for one-way ribbed slabs), SKYDOME (for leightweight waffle slabs) plastic formworks, thus reducing the waste of wood in the construction industry, which is intensifying deforestation. GEOPANEL ART is the ideal system for the creation of textured reinforced concrete walls.
As for the roof, DRAINROOF allows to realize a roof garden, thus returning to the environment the green that has been removed and at the same time getting a warmer attic in winter and a cooler one in summer. However, living a healthy life does not mean to stay inside, but enjoy accessible green areas. Realizing drivable lawns and green parkings with SALVAVERDE, GEOFLOR and RUNFLOOR GREEN it will be possible to walk and park freely on a green area which, otherwise, would have been a delicate and untouchable flowerbed or worse, a flast expanse of black asphalt. What about vertical green? WALL-Y, our grid in HDPE, allows the creation of beautiful green walls.
To accumulate and store rainwater underground storage and drainage tanks can be realized with DRENING and ELEVETOR TANK, which eliminate stagnat sources of foul smells and mosquitos. For entertainment and free time there are GRIPPER, the multi-sport performance flooring, and PLASTONELLA, the excellent draining tile for healthy relax. Finally, BIOMODULO is the perfect product for the realization of air diffusion systems for compostage and deodorization plants.