Driveable lawn at Kilometro Rosso, Bergamo, Italy

The Kilometro Rosso Science and Technology Park situated next to the A4 motorway just outside Bergamo is center of excellence hosting companies, research centers, laboratories, high-tech manufacturing concerns and services dedicated to innovation. Geoflor was used for the construction of a parking lot, routes for maintenance vehicles and any service roads, for example for Fire Brigade, around the new buildings. A total of 2.200 sqm of drivable lawns have been created. The choice was dictated by the fact that Geoflor is a solution that allows parking and transit of even heavy vehicles and also allows subsequent maintenance operations on turfs, such as aeration or small excavations, without the need to restore the entire flooring package. After a few months after application, a good turf growth and good results in load capacity (passage of vehicles that weight even up to 20 tons) have been observed and verified.