Geoplast Headquarters Construction, Grantorto, Italy

Geoplast new part of headquarters were built between 2009 and 2010. For the construction of the new building many products of Geoplast were used: Skydome, the reusable waffle slab formwork in ABS technopolymer to build the first floor and the second floor slabs, Geotub, the reusable formwork system in ABS technopolymer for circular and oval columns to build all the pillars of the building, Geopanel to build the skylights on the roof and Drainroof to build a green roof.
Skydome was chosen because it allows the construction of bidirectional waffle slabs, directly on-site. It guarantees and high seismic performance and allows the creation of a slab with a reduced self-weight, totally improving the acoustic performance of the building.
Geotub, on the other hand, was chosen because it allows the creation of round columns up to 6 mt. It is fast to install and dismantle and offers an excellent smooth surface to the columns.
Geopanel is a very versatile product. Usually it lends itself for walls, but in this case wall very useful for the construction of the skylights too. It is easy to install and dismantle as all Geoplast formworks, and can be installed by a single person without using a crane. Moreover, it can be reused for more than 100 times, as it was reused in this case.
Drainroof allows the installation of extensive and intensive roof gardens and was chosen because it offers a complete protection of the waterproofing and has an high storage capacity. Moreover, it allows protecting the insulation from thermal and mechanical stresses, thus increasing the life of the whole structure and of the roof.