‪#‎DRENING‬ by Geoplast, the system for the creation of retention ponds and accumulation basins was chosen in Cesano Maderno, Lombardy Region.

Here, 630 units of our innovative product were installed at a depth of 2.5 mt from the country plane at the service of an industrial warehouse.
The system’s power supply is placed at the centre of the basin as you can see in some pics.

#DRENING was used thanks to its high capability of dispersion and accumulation and because it is a valid alternative to old-fashioned rainwater drainage systems in use until today.

The system permits on-site water management and can be used for the drainage of any type of area, from road infrastructures to industrial buildings, as you saw in this case.

The project was commisioned by Trabis Costruzioni from Alzano Lombardo, Lombardy Region.

Discover more here: http://geoplast.openos.me/en/products/water/drening