Geoplast open call to support Beirut recovery

We are open to suggestions and requests to support Beirut’s recovery and rebuilding. You can propose ideas and projects which help those suffering in Beirut, with the use of our products, resources, experience, and know-how.

Beirut has been hit with a horrible disaster and needs to be rebuilt. This tragedy destroyed entire neighborhoods and a quarter of a million people are left homeless. We, as builders, are open to supporting the recovery process.

Open call

We are announcing an OPEN CALL for ideas and projects which use our products, solutions, and resources in order to help Beirut recovery.

Suggested areas in which we can help:

You can add any other idea or project beyond these areas.

How to submit

You can submit a suggestion or initiative in any format.

There is no deadline for this call.

Submission is made by emailing Mirco Pegoraro, Geoplast CEO, at mirco.pegoraro@geo.test.

If you need any additional information for your idea please feel free to contact us.